These senators took an oath. And they broke it.

(Chief Justice John Roberts)
At this time, I will administer the Oath

to all Senators in the Chamber.

Do you solemnly swear?

– [Man] I do solemnly swear.

– [Man and Woman] That I
will support and defend

the Constitution of the United States,

against all enemies…

foreign and domestic.

– [Men And Women] That
I will bear true faith

and allegiance to the same.

That I take this obligation freely,

without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion.

And that I will well, and faithfully,

discharge the duties of the office

on which I am about to enter,

so help me, God.

– [Woman] You swore to this.

– [Man] Before God…

– [Man] …and Country.

– [Woman] You took the oath.

– [Man] …and you broke it.

– [Woman] Your God…

– [Man] and your country…

– [Woman] …are watching.