You threw away your career, your reputation, and your duty to this nation. Was it worth it, Josh?

(Josh Hawley)
We think of history

as something
that’s in the past

and forget that
we are making it.

(Female Narrator)
Josh Hawley.

Oh, Josh.

You had it all.

You were on track for a bright career.

So much potential.

A leader in American politics.

Building a legacy.

You went to the right schools.

Stanford, Yale.

You built your connections.

On your way up.

Won your seat.

A winner.

It had all come together.

You didn’t learn a thing.

But then,


You made a choice.

The wrong choice.

A choice to stand against America.


You stood with insurgency
instead of democracy.

What a waste.

You pledged your allegiance
to Donald Trump

You’re his guy.

And all that came with him.

White supremacists.

These are your followers now.


These are your allies.

You’re a disgrace.

You made your choice.

What were you thinking?

The wrong choice.

What will you do now?

You can’t distance
yourself from it.

You can’t escape it.

You led it.

People were following you.

This —

Your fault.

— is your coup.

Your failure.